Low Volatility

These strategies seek to meet or exceed equity market returns while realizing significantly less volatility. 

Investment Process*Focus on low risk companies with sound fundamental properties. Build a low risk portfolio with broad, stable sector diversification 
Strategy   BenchmarkInception
Low Volatility LargeCap+Russell 1000® Index January 2008
Low Volatility SmidCap+Russell 2500TM Index January 2019
Low Volatility SmallCap+Russell 2000® Index January 2011
Low Volatility Long/Short LargeCap+Russell 1000® Index January 2008
Low Volatility AllCap+Russell 3000® IndexMarch 2024

*Investment results are not guaranteed, and there is no guarantee that a strategy’s objective will be met. Investing in securities involves risk of loss of both income and principal that investors should be prepared to bear. Long/short investing can be riskier than long-only investing, since both the long and the short sides can simultaneously lose value.

This is a partial list of Martingale Low Volatility strategies. Contact us for more information.